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Welcome to the VolMeur Collection
The CERN Digital Memory Art Collection
A Collaboration with nature !
A collaboration involving time, nature and slide copies has taken
place in the European Organization for particle physics (CERN)
between the construction of its Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP)
in 1985 up to 2017. If CERN is famous for the recent discovery of
the Higgs Boson, its quest for the infinity small is also a source of
inspiration for many artists - including mould.
Mould is Beautiful !
"Every science begins as philosophy and ends as art;
it arises in hypothesis and flows into achievement." Will Durant
When looking at the VolMeur images, one might wonder who has produced such pieces of art. Does it come from prehistorical cave paintings? Are these painted by a contemporary (psychedelic) artist ? Or are these random computer-generated images ? If most people remain doubtful in front of these unusual patterns and colours, experts in micro-biology will immediately spot the amazing artwork of... mould.
Collaboration between time, nature and slide copies has actually taken place in the well known European Laboratory for particle physics called CERN, since the construction of its large LEP accelerator in 1985 up to 2017. If CERN is famous for the discovery of the Higgs Boson, its quest for the infinity small is also a source of inspiration for many artists - including mould...