Breaking the Mould

Images de Marque Gallery, downtown Geneva


Mould is gaining notoriety: on RTS News,, site, nashagazeta and... Le Monde of Mercredi 21st Novembre !


The CERN VolMeur exhibition is reaching out. 

  For the first time, thirty-five previously unseen works will be revealed at the Galerie Images de Marque from 8 November to 7 December 2018. Visitors to the exhibition will be able to participate in various creative experiences, mixing science and art, as well as the programme of events below.

More information in the Press pack (Dossier de presse).



  • 8 Nov: Preview with projection of “Treasures of the memory of CERN” by Jean-Yves Le Meur and Matteo Volpi (alias VolMeur) 

  • 14 Nov: "L'Histoire derrière les Oeuvres, CERN à la fin des années 1980" par Horst Wenninger, former director of CERN's Accelerators Department

    • L'intervention du professeur Wenninger se déroulera à la galerie Images de Marque, 12 Grand rue en vieille ville de Genève, à partir de 18h45. En s'inspirant de l'exposition en cours et des images artistiques résultant de diapositives prises pendant la construction du LEP (1895->1987), il plongera dans cette époque du CERN. Des bouts d'histoire du LEP, de la recherche au CERN à cette époque et des anecdotes sur les défis rencontrés seront partagés. En même temps, les images originales (diapositives analogiques) seront projetées.

    • Transparents disponibles

  • 21 Nov: “Materials for the Arts and the Art of Materials” by John Cloud Kaiser, Director of Education, Materials for the Arts, NYC, Department of Cultural Affairs (in english)

    • John Cloud Kaiser will provide depth on the techniques and use of deteriorated materials in art. As seen in the CERN VolMeur collection, the acknowledgment of age and aging in materials can add new depths and conversations to artwork. In 2017 Kaiser oversaw an art exhibit composed of artwork created from thousands of old reused slides from the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s slide library in collaboration with the Met Media Lab. Through Kaiser’s programs at MFTA and MFTA Gallery he encourages and encounters a wide variety of ways that artists respond to re-used materials, using the histories of the materials themselves as part of the pallet. The NYC Department of Cultural Affairs is at the forefront of the drive to find value in reusing materials, as part of the effort to build a more sustainable city and to nurture more sustainable art resources for underserved communitys.

    • Slides available

  • 28 Nov: "Understanding the VolMeur artwork with Electron Microscopy" by Elisa Garcia-Tabares Valdivieso, CERN R&D Engineer in material analysis

    • VolMeur Slides presenting different stage of degradation were selected for a deep analysis by means of optical and electron microscopy. The use of optical microscopy allowed us to study in detail the morphology of the substance covering the surface, while the use of electron microscopy and a technique called Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) allowed us to perform chemical analysis on each slide.
      The aim of this analysis is to correlate the level of deterioration of the slides with their surface morphology and chemical composition. The results of these complete analysis will be presented in the Images de Marque gallery.

    • Slides available

  • 7 Dec: Closing event with "meta-physical reflections on perishable works" by Rosario Principe, Project Engineer in the Superconducting Magnet group

    • Réflexions métaphysiques sur les oeuvres périssables ou VolMeur, les hommes et les machines merveilleuses. Voyage dans les méandres de l’humanité. 

    • Suivi du tirage au sort du vainqueur du Jeu concours "Best | Worst | Strangest" et de l'apérif de clôture.

    • Speech available